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Notice when your elderly loved ones need help and get a nursing home abuse attorney to stand up for their rights

nursing home abuse attorneyThe decision to place a loved one into a nursing home or assisted living facility is never easy. To make matters even more difficult, you have to worry about nursing home abuse. This type of elder abuse is rampant in some poorly managed elder care facilities, and can include physical or emotional abuse, neglect, endangerment, or financial exploitation. It is very important to visit your loved one as often as possible so that you can monitor their well-being, identify any possible signs of elder abuse early, and take steps to correct the situation. If you see any of the following signs of elder abuse, contact a nursing home abuse attorney immediately. Your attorney can help document the abuse and prepare a claim against the nursing home. Often, even the act of hiring an attorney can cause the nursing home to take your complaint seriously and begin providing better care for your loved one.

Physical Abuse

If your loved one suddenly develops unexplained injuries including bruises, welts, broken bones, sprains, or dislocations, this may be a sign of physical abuse. Be especially suspicious of injuries that could indicate sexual abuse as well as damage to underclothing or glasses. Nursing home staff may try to explain away the injuries as the result of a fall, but if you don’t believe them you can always get your own doctor to provide their opinion as to whether the injuries are consistent with a fall.

Emotional Abuse

The most common types of emotional abuse in nursing homes include denying seniors access to visitors or social activities and using abusive language. If your loved one complains of emotional abuse, take them seriously. If your loved one can’t communicate directly, watch to see if they appear afraid of or angry at a particular worker as this could be a sign they have been abused emotionally or physically by that person.


Signs of neglect include severe bedsores, dehydration, malnutrition, and untreated medical conditions. If you believe your loved one is being neglected, get an independent doctor in to see them as soon as possible.


When nursing homes fail to maintain sanitary living conditions for their patients, seniors can develop infections and conditions that may be very dangerous for their fragile constitutions. When you visit your loved one, check to see if their room appears clean, if meals are presented in a sanitary manner, and if their bodily needs are attended to promptly. Also watch out for unusual frequency of prescription refills, as this can be a sign of withholding or overdosing medication, which can also qualify as endangerment.

Financial Exploitation

Financial exploitation may occur in a nursing home if staff begin stealing cash or personal items from their patients. One possible scam is taking jewelry for “cleaning” and never returning it. If your loved one reports items missing, definitely look into the matter. Also be on the lookout for possible fraud related to their healthcare costs.

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