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First study shows texting via Google Glass does not offer any safety advantages to drivers.

Google GlassBy now every driver in America should know that texting while driving is risky business indeed. Every day, 9 people are killed and over 1,000 injured in accidents involving distracted drivers, who may be texting, eating, reading a map, etc. Texting in particular is believed to double the risk of crashes or rear-crashes, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association.

At first, the idea of using Google Glass as a substitute for texting seems to hold great promise. Indeed, many proponents of the heads-up display technology have claimed that reading a text message or looking at a map with Google Glass is less distracting because the driver’s eyes remain up and on the road at all times. However, a recent study has pretty well debunked this notion.

The study was conducted by psychological researchers at the University of Central Florida. Participants were asked to send messages about an arithmetic problem while driving in a simulator. Both smartphones, which require manual input to send a text, and Google Glass, which uses voice recognition and head commands to send texts, were tested. As the participants worked on their messages, they were confronted by a car braking suddenly in front of them in the simulator.

The researchers found that there was no statistical difference in the reaction times between Google Glass and smartphone users.

This makes sense when you consider that distraction actually has multiple different elements:

  • Visual—taking eyes off the road
  • Manual—taking hands off the wheel
  • Cognitive—taking attention or thought off the road

Simply switching to a hands-free device does not, therefore, solve the problem of distracted driving.

If you have been involved in an accident involving a distracted driver, you may be able to secure compensation with the help of a skilled auto accident injury attorney such as Michael A. Kahn. By initiating a personal injury case against the distracted driver, you may be able to get their insurance company to reimburse you for your medical bills, your lost wages, or your pain and suffering as the case may merit.

Remember, it is of the utmost importance to contact your attorney BEFORE you talk to your insurance company or the other party’s, in order to avoid inadvertently admitting fault for the accident or doing anything else to damage your claim. So put Michael A. Kahn’s number into your phone now and be prepared to react quickly in the event of an accident.

Need Help? Call us anytime at (310) 209-1600