Would you be surprised to know that California has some of the highest rates for dog bites filed with home insurance companies in the country? Or that Los Angeles is the number one city for postal workers being bitten by dogs? While it’s true that the vast majority of the 4.5 million people bit by dogs in American each year are bitten by their own dog, if you’ve been bitten by someone else’s dog then you may be owed compensation.
Children are especially at risk
Children don’t make up half of the population in California and yet they make up half of the victims of dog bites. The injuries from these attacks can range from simply breaking the skin all the way up to wrongful death. Victims can be faced with thousands of dollars in medical bills. The good news is that there is help and Law Offices of Michael A. Kahn can provide it for you.
Just how many victims are there?
On average, a person will be bit by a dog every 75 seconds in the United States. Around the country, more than 1,000 people visit the emergency room every day due to dog bites. Last year, 32 people died as the result of their bites from a dog. Of those who died, more than two-thirds of them were killed by pit bulls.
What you need to prove
If you want to bring a dog bite case then there are three things your attorney will need to prove. First, they must prove that the dog was owned by the person you’re suing. Second, they must prove that you were legally on private property or that the bite happened while you were on public property. Finally, they must prove that you were indeed bitten and that you obtained injuries as a result.
California is on your side
In some states, in order to sue an owner for its dogs violent behavior, you must first prove that the owner knew that their dog was aggressive. This means that the first time their dog bit someone, it was entirely possible that nothing would happen and that the person bit would have no recourse for financial damages. This is not the case in California. In California, all we have to prove is that you were bitten when you were legally on property and that you were injured.
Get the help of an experienced dog bite attorney
If you are wondering what your options are then your next call should be to Law Offices of Michael A. Kahn at (310) 209-1600. We are happy to provide you with a free case evaluation. We’ll go over your options, give you our expert advice, and let you make the final decision about how to move forward.