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Drivers who flee the scene make it more difficult for cyclists to secure compensation for their injuries.

Hit and Run Bicycle Accidents on the Rise in LA AreaBetween 2002 and 2012, over 5,600 cyclists were injured and 36 were killed in hit and run accidents in the LA area. The danger to cyclists continues to be very real, and in fact according to the LA Time’s recent analysis of the latest available crash data from the California Highway Patrol, hit and run bicycle accidents are actually on the rise. The number of hit and run traffic accidents involving bicycles increased by 42 percent between 2002 and 2012. A significant portion of these accidents occurred in just 5 neighborhoods: Long Beach, Santa Monica, downtown LA, Van Nuys, and Hollywood.

One possible reason why bicycle hit and run accidents are increasing is simply that more cyclists are on the roads. In the past 5 years, over 120 miles of bike lanes have been added in LA. While bike lanes should help promote cyclist safety, accidents may occur when drivers frustrated with traffic veer into the dedicated lanes.

Unfortunately for victims and for our community, most drivers who hit cyclists and then flee the scene are never caught. From 2008 to 2012, the LAPD only closed 20 percent of their hit and run bicycle accident cases.

And even when the drivers are caught, this may not provide much solace for victims. For example, the driver who struck cyclist Paul Livingston in June of 2011 and then left him lying on the pavement with internal bleeding, 8 fractured vertebrae, and a shattered pelvis turned herself in the next day. Unfortunately, the driver was young and unemployed, and though she has been ordered to pay Livingston $638,000 in restitution, so far he has only received $24.42.

Preventing Bicycle Accidents

Given the severe injuries that are likely in a bicycle accident, prevention is the best medicine. In addition to wearing bright clothing and having lights on your bike at night, you will obviously want to obey all traffic laws and use dedicated bike lanes whenever possible. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and yield to vehicles even if they do not have the right of way.

Also, before you get out on the road you need to make sure any accidents will be covered by insurance. This will help protect you against getting stuck with big bills in the event of an accident with a driver that is uninsured or never apprehended. Many auto policies will cover hit and run accidents on your bike, and you can also find special bicycle insurance for the same purpose.

What to Do If You’re in a Hit and Run Bicycle Accident

If you are involved in a bicycle accident, it will be very important to capture all the information you possibly can about the driver. If you didn’t see the vehicle, ask bystanders for information. Even a partial plate number and a description of the vehicle can help the police track down the driver. Have whoever calls 911 to report your injuries relay this information to the dispatcher so it is on the record. Then, as soon as you are able, contact a skilled bicycle accident attorney like Michael A. Kahn to help you develop a possible personal injury case.

Need Help? Call us anytime at (310) 209-1600